how to write

Expeditionary Force: A Lesson in Inclusivity

Expeditionary Force: A Lesson in Inclusivity

Speculative fiction struggles with how to handle disabilities, which is reflective of our society at large. Whether due to age, health, accidents, or other life happenstance, almost everyone will end up struggling with disability at some point in their life (or see it happen in someone they care about). The absence of this within our media only creates stigma around disabilities and chronic illness. Removing disabilities and chronic illness through handwaving, “superior technology” or magic, creates an unrealistic emphasis on wholeness as a moral or correct way of living/existing. Disabilities change as societies evolve, which means they’ll never be gotten rid of. Same with chronic illnesses. DNA will never replicate perfectly. Genetic disorders will always exist without eugenic interference.

Scribe's Journey Podcast Launch!

Scribe's Journey Podcast Launch!

Scribe’s Journey: Where Stories Begin.

The Scribe's Journey, created and hosted by authors Travis Croken, L.J. Stanton, and T.R. Albe, is a writing podcast to help you along your literary journey.

Writing Advice: When Do I Hire Professionals?

Writing Advice: When Do I Hire Professionals?

You’ve done it! Your first draft is complete, the whole story has been written down from beginning to end. After that initial sense of awestruck wonder that holy crap I’ve actually finished it, then comes the daunting sense of foreboding: What the heck comes next?